If you want to reconnect with You
If you want to discover the BENEFITS of real self-care
If you want to kickstart YOUR self-care practice
Start TODAY for only $35
Each day I you will receive an email from me.
Daily topic
Daily activity
Daily inspiration
Plus there will be BONUSES!
You choose what time of the day best suits you. Emails will be delivered each morning.
You can email me with questions/comments/insights you have discovered.
You will have access to a closed Facebook page for additional tips and support
Plus you receive a beautiful recorded guided meditation.
I'm excited to see you in the challenge and even more excited to see what you discover!
During this 7 Day Self-Care Kickstart you will:
Discover where you are right now
Explore what takes and wastes your time
Learn how to bring joy, happiness and calmness to your life
Uncover how excuses have held you back from giving to yourself
Discover what it means to have your back covered
Learn how to build your self-care practice
Embrace and feel the beneficial power of self-care
There are times when being a woman can be hard work. We have many roles to play and wear many, many hats.
Life is often SO busy that it becomes an overwhelming array of commitments... often of which not necessarily our own... there are days when life can feel a bit of a blur!
Life is full of taking care... of the family, your career (or perhaps re-entering your career if you're a now empty nester, building a business, volunteer work, committees and add your own flavour of things, that at some point you suddenly discover you've forgotten to take care of the most important person... YOU.
You've almost forgotten who you really are and what you're all about. Let me ask you:
Do you find yourself thinking of a time when you had time for you?
Do you crave connection with yourself?
Would you love to feel the wonderful benefits of taking some time each day just for YOU?
Are you running on empty?
Many women have heard the term self-care and think that it's about having the odd massage, relaxing on the couch watching TV whilst eating a dozen or so chocolates and a glass of wine. They think if they take time out to do something that really brings them joy, that they're being selfish, judged, uncaring. And given enough time become exhausted, cranky, resentful, stressed and burnt-out.
This is SO FAR from the truth and is not a good place to be.
Self-care IS NOT an emergency response to when your stress levels are through the roof.
Self-care IS NOT a selfish act.
Self-care IS a necessity.
Self-care is exactly what the name says - giving care to and for yourself.
Self-care is essential to a healthy mind, body and spirit.
Wouldn't you like to FEEL nurtured, happy, and relaxed?
© 2023 Donna M Martin