Hi, I’m Donna


I am your transformational coach.

Are you overwhelmed, totally stretched to the limit, always giving so much of yourself to everyone and everything?

I have been in that place, feeling like you never having a moment for yourself... let me tell you, it's exhausting!

Now I use my experiences and methods to help YOU create and grow empowering self-care practices that will bring more confidence, happiness and joy to YOUR life.

Self-Care Action + Compassion = A Confident, Happy YOU!

ZOOM Coffee Chat


A complimentary Discovery Coffee Chat, that allows you to walk away with:

* Clarity around how and why you are feeling like you are

* Identify 1 - 3 strategies that will help you start to feel good

* A simple step you can take immediately to become a Self-Care Queen

Let's Stay Connected


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© 2023 donnammartin.com